"Nocturne" Group Show at Gross McCleaf



Gross McCleaf Gallery is thrilled to present a group exhibition titled, Nocturne, featuring the works of Melanie Delach, Emily Elliott, Kate McCammon, Kelly Micca, Dori Miller, Kimi Pryor, and Tess Wei along with a selection from represented GMG artists.

Autumn is once again cooling the air, drawing long shadows across sidewalks covered in leaves, and expanding the period of darkness between each day. Before winter conditions take hold, this season provides an opportunity to relish in the romantic beauty and mysterious character of the night. 

The witching hour has arrived in Kimi Pryor’s dream-like, hallucinatory narratives. Pryor utilizes thick, heavily worked layers of oil paint. At times, she scrapes and sands her canvases, revealing unexpected shapes and ghost-like forms from the substrates of past lives. Pryor’s imagery takes cues from the Surrealists, pursuing unexpected combinations of objects. Interpretation is open–ended. To Pryor, the work offers a fictive space in which stories can originate.

Kimi Pryor, Monument

10" x 8"

Oil On Panel

OCTOBER 5 - 29, 2022



Melanie Delach | Emily Elliott | Kate McCammon 

Kelly Micca | Dori Miller | Kimi Pryor | Tess Wei

+ A Selection of GMG Artists


 Reception Saturday, October 8, 1 - 4 pm